H.U.T. – innovation is our tradition

H.U.T. Heuwieser Umwelttechnik GmbH is an independent, medium-sized family business now in its second generation.

Bernd Heuwieser, the founder of H.U.T. GmbH, was already involved in the introduction of catalytic converters in the mid-80’s. He learnt this new technology from scratch at a large German chemical company and drove the development of the then young environmental market.

Stephan Laubenstein, another veteran at H.U.T. GmbH, is also one  of the pioneers for industrial catalysts. A chemical engineer by profession he has been Technical Manager and head of the innovative R&D department since 1996.

Julia Heuwieser has been Managing Director since 2015. She leads a highly qualified and motivated team of catalyst specialists who offer top-tier environmental technology and outstanding customer service. H.U.T. places particular importance to adapting and further developing its products  in accordance with the latest legal requirements.

Sustainable production

H.U.T. supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We act in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, from the development and production of our catalysts to their recycling.

Catalysts – Made by H.U.T.

  • From the initial contact to consulting, planning, manufacturing and maintenance: You are benefitting from excellent quality and outstanding service beyond the entire product life cycle.

  • You are getting catalysts which are being manufactured exactly to your individual requirements. Customized solutions, not off-the-shelf.

  • You are receiving only catalysts manufactured in our facilities. Premium products made in Germany.

  • You are purchasing from a family business with decades of tradition. Personal service and satisfied customers are one of their highest values.

  • You are doing business with a company with high ecological standards. H.U.T. is paying attention to a considerate use of natural resources in all areas.

Schools for Rwanda (Schulen für Ruanda)

„Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela made it very clear and we are convinced as well: Education is the best investment into the future of a society and the key to a better life for any individual.

In Africa many children do not have a secured access to school education. A donation of only 10 EUR enables a child in Rwanda to go to school for a whole year.

H.U.T. supports the project „Schools for Rwanda“, a project of the Junior Chamber International Hesse, Germany (WJ Hessen) in cooperation with the renowned foundation FLY & HELP. The foundation already realized 330 school projects since 2009. The Junior Chamber International Hesse, Germany is collecting donations for building a school in the rural regions of Rwanda.

Julia Heuwieser, Managing Director of H.U.T. and former President of JCI Hesse, supports the success of the project on a personal level:

„Rwanda is an aspiring producer of coffee. We – as a partner of many roasteries – also care about the well-being of the producing countries. Eductaion is an important basis of this well-being. That is why we would be very happy if you would support our project with a donation.“

You can find more information on the project here:
